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Divine Intervention...


Have you ever experienced the right thing showing up at exactly the right time?  I call it "divine intervention."  Well, that's what happened to me in the summer of 2017.  I came across a YouTube ad for The Life Coach School.  

Being in a state of severe burnout with my 20-year bookkeeping business and in complete despair with the lack of balance in my life, probably looking "too forward" to happy hour to relieve my discomfort, and trying to actually remember what brought me joy, I decided to hire a life coach to help me get my life back on track.  

Everything changed from that moment on.  I was hooked on the success that I was experiencing in changing my life for the better.  I knew I wanted to become a certified life coach to help women, just like me, who were suffering with burnout and an unbalanced life

Better Than Balanced was founded at that time.  As I have progressed in my journey, I found Human Design and have never felt more seen and understood.  

I am a certified life coach and am in the process of becoming a certified Human Design Professional Analyst.  

Here at Better Than Balanced, I help you learn how to transform and live a BETTER life. 

Get ready to know yourself like never before!

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