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I breathed a serious sigh of relief and said to myself, “nothing has gone wrong.”


I believed there was something wrong with me because I never felt like I fit in.  And to make matters worse, I always said "yes," "gave more than I should," "kept the peace by sweeping things under the rug," and made myself and everything perfect" just to win people over and feel appreciated?  

I'm Leslie and several years ago, in a soulful pursuit to create a life with new meaning, I became a certified life and purpose coach.  During my certification training, one of my coaches threw in a bonus training on Human Design. I had never heard of Human Design, and I found it fascinating.  I eagerly generated my own human design chart and found out that I was a 4/1 Emotional Projector.  Once I started researching all the details in my chart, I breathed a serious sigh of relief and said to myself, “nothing has gone wrong."  Finally, everything in my life started to make sense.  I understood myself so much better and realized that I could be living my life better.

Backing up a little, I have always been an entrepreneur with several successful businesses, most recently being a 20-year bookkeeping business.  The starting paragraph is an example of me living out of alignment which didn’t help in running my businesses or my life.  What it did do was run me straight into severe burnout and a state of bitterness where I ended up dissolving my bookkeeping business and have been in the process of uncovering my authentic self and loving it. 

The beautiful part of this painful process was that it led me to the coaching world where I have found meaning and purpose in teaching others how to live a better life by knowing themselves better.    

Over time, I am learning how to embrace my uniqueness, bask in the joy of self-love without guilt, and establish healthy boundaries that enable me to live in alignment with my truest self, both professionally and personally.  

My goal is to help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, potential, and how to make correct decisions that are right for you so that you will naturally align with your life purpose.

If you're looking for additional guidance and striving to live a BETTER life, click the link below.  I would love to hear from you.  

Get ready to know yourself like never before.  

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